Classic Eyeliners

Classic Eyeliners

 Classic eyeliners will give you a bolder look than the eyelash enhancement treatment. This procedure is done by creating a line over the lash line, where your traditional eyeliner would be placed. If you prefer the look of a liquid eyeliner, go for a straight, clean line. If you prefer a more 'smoky’ line, it will be customised to your eyes.




Classic Eyeliners ----- $400

  • The procedure takes about 2+ HRS
  • Healing process 7-10 days
  • Local anesthesia is used to achieve minimal or no pain
  • Durability from 1.5 to 3 years depending on subsequent care, skin type and lifestyle.


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You ARE NOT a good candidate for ANY procedures if you:

  • are under 18 years of age

  • are Pregnant or Nursing

  • have skin irritations or irregularities (Psoriasis, Eczema, Rosacea, skin cancer, rashes, pimples, sunburns, etc.) on or around the area to be worked on

  • are Diabetic

  • are undergoing Chemotherapy

  • have Glaucoma

  • are using a hair growth serum

  • have viral infections and/or diseases (AIDs, HIV, Hepatitis, etc.)

  • are prone to Keloid scarring

  • are Epileptic

  • have a pacemaker or other major heart problems

  • have had an organ transplant

  • are sick (cold, flu, pink eyes, etc.)

  • are a Hemophiliac or have other bleeding problems

Your physician's clearance may be necessary if you have any medical conditions.

Keep in mind some conditions and medications may effect healing, pain tolerance, retention, and/or color of the tattoo.
